Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grandmas Aren't gentlemen!!!

Grandmas aren’t Gentlemen!

Not too often
Do I take oldies on my bike
As I fear my driving
Will cause BP, Sugar et al to hike

When asked for a ride
I often blush,
Like a traditional Indian bride
Putting my head down and hiding from their stride

But once I acknowledged,
My grandma's ask
As I saw my dad's eyes
Warning me to be put to task

My bike started with a roar
"You can go fast" she declared
Encouraged I accelerated
More, more and more

I was really racing
When she tried adjusting her saree
My vehicle jerked and
Almost fell under a lorry

I acted fast and balanced the bike
As we saw the lorry go
"I saved her" I thought with a pale face
"Ha ha ha" she laughed
"At last" she yelled "the lorry won the race"!!

Donate blood Save Life!!!

Its been long since i posted anything.

I donated blood for the 18th time today!! Somehow donating blood is such a nice feeling. Also registered for stem cells and phrasis donations.

nothing more.. everytime i keep forgetting when I donated blood last.. may be this post will help me remember the date:)